Saturday, March 8, 2014

Module 1 - Fractions

After completing the fraction unit, please respond in the comment box below to one of the follow prompts:

-  What resource did you feel was most helpful with this unit?

-  What questions or difficulties do you still have with the topic?

-  Are there any other additional resources you found on your own that were helpful to you when reviewing or learning the topic?  Please provide the name or links to the resource.


  1. The videos for Multiplication and Adding ans Subtraction. I had a difficult time with the division

  2. Im not really good with fractions sooo the videos really helped me a lot in learning new ways on how to do them

  3. the best resource i felt was most helpful was the youtube video's. i think that was the best because it showed us how to do it. the questions that were diffucult were the percents. no i did not find any additional resources.


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